Application for Tenancy

This is a sample application for tenancy of February 28, 2014.
Sample Lease
Application for Tenancy
Bear Paw Management, LLC  414-339-3992
3224 A N. Oakland Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53211

Property address: _____________________________________________ Date : ____________
Lease term : 8-1-2014 to  7-31-2015
Monthly rent: __________________ Security deposit: _____________ First rent due: 8-1-2014
Appliances included: Stove and Refrigerator        Parking needed: ____________
Tenants to furnish: Gas and Electric          Water, sewer, city fees: ______% of building

Applicant Information
Name: ____________________________________________    Smoker: Yes/No
SS#: _________________________________________Date of birth: _____________________
Current address: ________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: ______________
Driver’s license #: ___________________________________
Make of vehicle: ______________________  Year: ____________ License plate: ___________
Cell phone: ________________________ Home phone: ________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________________
Number of children: ___________ Ages: ____________________________

Employment Information
Employer: ____________________________Employer address: _________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ___________
Contact person: _______________________________ Phone #: _________________________
Time there: ______________ Position: ______________________ Monthly income: _________

Current Landlord Information
Landlord’s name: ______________________________________ Phone: __________________
Landlord’s address: _______________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ___________
Time there: ___________________

Emergency contact information
Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: __________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Phone: ________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ____________

If accepted, the undersigned hereby agrees to enter into a lease as agreed between the parties.
Permission is given to do a credit check. All information gathered about the tenancy may be passed on to  
other housing providers. We rely on third party information including credit reports, and cannot be liable
for errors contained in that information.

Date: __________________ Tenant: ________________________________________________